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作者: 审核人: 访问量:8100发布时间:2020-09-09


伍群芳,开云官方网站工学博士,美国密歇根大学博士后,现任开云官方网站开云Kaiyun副研究员/硕士生导师。从事电力电子变换器,电力电子装置及其可靠性评估等技术研究。发表学术论文共计50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表IEEE Trans. or IET PE权威SCI期刊21篇;申请中国发明专利20余项(已授权12项),申请美国专利3项。


[1]受邀担任期刊《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》专题“Applications of Power Electronic Converters”客座主编

[2]担任2022年Digital Twin International Conference专题“Digital Twin for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Multi-Energy Systems ”Session Chair

[3]IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics Emergency Reviewer (SCI顶刊TPEL紧急稿件审稿组成员)

[4]IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics、IET Power Electronics、IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution、IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification、 IEEE Access、IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics、Energies、Electronics、APEC、ECCE、中国电机工程学报等数十个权威期刊与会议同行审稿人

[5]中国能源学会能源装备专家组委员,IEEE Member;中国电源学会会员;中国电机工程学会会员,中国电工技术学会会员等








[1] Qunfang Wu#, Mengqi Wang*, Weiyang Zhou,* Xi Lu, Kewei Xiao, Krishna Bhat and Chingchi Chen. Traction inverter highly accelerated life testing with high-temperature stress. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2021, 7(1): 304-316.
[2] Qunfang Wu#, Mengqi Wang*, Weiyang Zhou* and Xiaoming Wang. Current balancing of paralleled SiC MOSFETs for a resonant pulsed power converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020, 35(6): 5557-5561.
[3]  Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jinyi Zhu, Lan Xiao. Dual-channel push–pull isolated resonant gate driver for high-frequency ZVS full-bridge converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 34(5): 4019-4023.
[4] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Zilong Xu. Active-clamped ZVS current-fed push-pull isolated DC-DC converter for renewable energy conversion applications. IET Power Electronics, 2018, 11(2):373-381.
[5] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jinbo Li, Zhong Wang. ZVS three-phase current-fed push-pull converter employing a simple active-clamp circuit for voltage step-up applications, IET Power Electronics, 2018,11(14): 2286-2294.
[6] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu, Hongxu Li and Lan Xiao. A high efficiency step-up current-fed push-pull quasi-resonant converter with fewer components for fuel cell application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(8): 6639–6648.
[7] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. Implementation of an active-clamped current-fed push-pull converter employing parallel-inductor to extend ZVS range for fuel cell application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(10): 7919–7929.
[8] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. A wide load range ZVS push–pull DC-DC converter with active-clamped. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, 32(4): 2865–2875.
[9] Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. A real-time variable turn-off current strategy for a PFC converter with voltage spike limitation and efficiency improvement. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(12): 8031–8036.
[10] Yisheng Yuan, Li Lai*, Qunfang Wu*. A current-fed LCL resonant converter for wide output-voltage applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(5): 3939-3948.
[11] Zhong Chen#*, Qunfang Wu*, Yisheng Yuan, “A novel zero-voltage-switching push–pull high-frequency-link single-phase inverter,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2016, 4(2):421-434.
[12] Weiyang Zhou#, Mengqi Wang*, Qunfang Wu*, Xi Lu, Kewei Xiao, Krishna Bhat and Chingchi Chen, “Accelerated life testing method of metallized film capacitors for inverter applications,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2021, 7(1): 37-49.
[13] Weiyang Zhou#, Mengqi Wang*, Qunfang Wu*. A model-based monitoring method for offline accelerated testing of DC-Link capacitor in three-phase inverter systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(1): 4019-4025.
[14] Yiran Lu#, Qunfang Wu, Qin Wang, Dan Liu, Lan Xiao, “Analysis of a novel zero-voltage-switching bidirectional DC/DC converter for energy storage system,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(4): 3169–3179.
[15] 伍群芳#*, 王勤, 徐佳林, 肖岚, 袁义生. 一种电压钳位型ZVS推挽式高频环节DC-AC变换器. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(6): 1787-1796.  31(12): 8031–8036.
[16] 伍群芳*, 陈仲, 王勤, 袁义生.一种负载适应的电流尖峰限制型功率管开通方法. 中国电机工程学报. 2016, 36(8): 2242-2251
[17] Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Guanliang Liu. Applying coupled inductor to voltage and current balanced between paralleled SiC MOSFETs for a resonant pulsed power converter. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2020: 2192-2198.
[18] Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Can. Huang, et.al. High frequency active-clamped zero-current switching current-fed push-pull converter for micro-converter applications. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020: 1273-1278.
[19] Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou and Yanghe Liu, High frequency AC power distribution network for electric vehicle auxiliary electrical system. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020: 891-896.
[20] Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Xiaoming Wang. Analytical switching model of a 1200V SiC MOSFET in a high-voltage, high-frequency pulsed power converter for plasma generation. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2019: 1911-1917.
[21] Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Qin Wang. A high frequency isolated push-pull resonant gate driver for SiC MOSFET with asymmetrical voltage. IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), 2019: 1-4.
[1] 伍群芳;王勤;徐佳林;陆依然;肖岚, 一种宽负载范围软开关倍流整流型推挽直流变换器, 2021-2-9,中国,ZL 201710483218.0.
[2] 伍群芳;王勤;,徐佳林;王楚娇;肖岚. 一种软开关三相电流型推挽直流变换器,2021-2-9,中国,ZL 201710483216.1.
[3] 伍群芳;王勤;徐佳林;朱津仪;肖岚. 一种宽负载范围软开关电流型推挽直流变换器,2020-11-24,中国,ZL 201710483219.5.
[4] 伍群芳;王勤;陈仲;肖岚;徐佳林. 一种电压箝位软开关型推挽直流变换器,2019-1-8,中国,ZL 201510391387.2.
[5] 伍群芳;王勤;陈仲;肖岚;徐佳林. 一种单级ZVS型推挽式高频环节DC-AC变换器,2018-10-16,中国,ZL 201510391287.X.
[6] 伍群芳;王勤;徐佳林;陈仲;肖岚. 一种倍压软开关型推挽直流变换器,2018-5-8,中国,ZL 201510391126.0.
[7] 伍群芳;王勤;陈仲;肖岚;徐佳林. 一种负载适应的电流尖峰限制型功率管开通方法,2018-3-30,中国,ZL 201510391128.X



[2]江苏省自然科学青年基金,基于关键组件渐变失效的SiC 变流器可靠性动态评估,2021-2024

[3]台达电力电子科教发展计划青年基金,SiC 变流器在线状态监测及可靠性动态评估,2021-2023





[8]美国福特汽车公司,Traction inverter input DC side capacitor lifetime testing,2019-2020 

[9]丰田汽车北美研发中心,Study on high frequency alternating current power distribution for EV auxiliary electrical system,2019-2020

[10]美国福特汽车公司,Traction inverter high-temperature reliability test,2018-2019

[11]美国Somnio Grobal公司,High-voltage and high-frequency pulsed power generation systems,2018-2019

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